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Solving Google Chrome's 'Protected Content Not Playing' Issue

If you have ever encountered the 'Protected Content Not Playing' error while streaming online content on Google Chrome, then you know how frustrating it can be. This error usually occurs when you try to access protected content like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or Hulu, among others, and prevents you from streaming your favorite shows. In this article, we will show you various methods to solve this issue and get back to enjoying your favorite content.

Method 1: Disable Extensions

One of the reasons why you might be getting the 'Protected Content Not Playing' error could be due to a conflicting extension on Google Chrome. To determine whether an extension is causing the problem, follow these steps:

Open Google Chrome and click on the three-vertical dots at the top right-hand corner of your screen.Select 'More Tools' and then click on 'Extensions'.Disable all the extensions by toggling them off.Restart Google Chrome and try streaming the content again.If the issue is resolved, enable each extension one by one until you pinpoint which one is causing the problem.

Method 2: Update Google Chrome

Another reason why you might be getting the 'Protected Content Not Playing' error could be due to an outdated version of Google Chrome. To update Google Chrome, follow these steps:

Open Google Chrome and click on the three-vertical dots at the top right-hand corner of your screen.Select 'Settings' and then click on 'About Chrome'.Check for any available updates and install them.Restart Google Chrome and try streaming the content again.

Method 3: Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

Your browser cache and cookies could be causing the 'Protected Content Not Playing' error. To clear them, follow these steps:

Open Google Chrome and click on the three-vertical dots at the top right-hand corner of your screen.Select 'More Tools' and then click on 'Clear Browsing Data'.Select 'All Time' as the Time Range and check the boxes next to 'Cookies and other site data' and 'Cached images and files'.Click on 'Clear data'.Restart Google Chrome and try streaming the content again.

Method 4: Disable Hardware Acceleration

Some users have reported that disabling hardware acceleration resolved the 'Protected Content Not Playing' error issue. Here's how you can try it:

Open Google Chrome and click on the three-vertical dots at the top right-hand corner of your screen.Select 'Settings' and then click on 'Advanced'.Under the 'System' section, toggle off the 'Use hardware acceleration when available' option.Restart Google Chrome and try streaming the content again.

Final Thoughts

If none of the above methods works, you might want to try clearing your computer's DNS cache, resetting your Chrome settings to default or reinstalling Google Chrome. The 'Protected Content Not Playing' error can be frustrating, but we hope that these solutions help you get back to enjoying your favorite content seamlessly.

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