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Addressing Google Chrome's 'Downloads Keep Pausing' Issue

If you are a Chrome user, you might have experienced a frustrating issue where your downloads keep pausing. This can be especially annoying if you are downloading large files or software updates. However, this problem can be resolved by following a few simple steps.

Step 1: Clear Your Download History

The first thing you should try is clearing your download history. Chrome keeps a record of all the downloads you have made, which can accumulate overtime and cause issues with new downloads. To clear your download history, follow these steps:

Open Chrome and click on the three dots in the top-right corner Click on 'History' Click on 'Clear browsing data' In the pop-up window, select 'Download history' Click on 'Clear data'

Once you have cleared your download history, try downloading your file again to see if the issue has been resolved.

Step 2: Disable Antivirus or Firewall Settings

Another common cause of downloads pausing in Chrome is your antivirus or firewall settings. Some antivirus or firewall software may block certain download links or throttle your connection, causing downloads to pause or fail. To see if this is causing the issue, try temporarily disabling your antivirus or firewall software and then reattempt the download. If the download is successful, you can try adding the download link to your antivirus or firewall exclusion list to prevent this from happening again.

Step 3: Change Your Download Location

Sometimes, Chrome may have trouble downloading files to your default download location, which can cause downloads to pause or fail. To resolve this, try changing your default download location to another location. To do this, follow these steps:

Open Chrome and click on the three dots in the top-right corner Click on 'Settings' Scroll down and click on 'Advanced' Under 'Downloads', click on 'Change' Select a new download location and click on 'Ok'

After changing your download location, try downloading your file again to see if the issue has been resolved.


In conclusion, Chrome's 'downloads keep pausing' issue can be resolved by clearing your download history, disabling antivirus or firewall settings, or changing your download location. By following these simple steps, you can ensure smooth and uninterrupted downloads in the future.

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